Award of the Elephants Heart

Awarded to Maddie McRae (modernly known as Lynn Nadratowski)

By the Barony of Cynnabar on 2019-06-01

Ermenrich, Baron of Cynnabar, and Kasha, Baroness, to Their beloved and faithful, the Officers and honest People of Cynnabar, greeting. Know you that We have given to Our honorable servant, Maddie McRae, Our Award of the Elephants Heart and conceded to her with it, for the enclosing and fortifying for security of Our lands, the following toll, which she may take in Our Barony from this Midsummer for three complete years:

From every crannock of beans here for sale, 1 quadrans.
From every piece of Irish cloth, 1 quadrans.
From every dozen kitchen utensils, 1 obole.
From one hundred pounds of pitch, 1 obole.
From one hundred squirrel-skins, 1 denarius.
From a hundred pounds of fat, 1 denarius.
From every hundred pounds of pepper, 2 denarii.
From every crannock of woad, 2 denarii.

Let none countermand Our words.
Adapted from Grant of Tolls in Dublin (1233) and Grant of Tolls in Dublin (1250) by Henry III (1207-1275), as found in J. T. Gilbert, ed., Historical and Municipal Documents of Ireland (London: Longmans, Green, 1870).

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