Award of the Elephants Heart
Awarded to Harriet of Cynnabar (modernly known as Harriet Knapp)
By the Barony of Cynnabar on 2014-12-20
And let all who hear these words proclaim them throughout Midgard:
How Blonde-Browed Ring Breaker,
Hard-bitten battle herald, Ermenrich Baron of Cynnabar,
and Swan-White mother of warriors,
Gold-giver, Kasha Baroness of Cynnabar,
Give Mind's Worth to Our daughter Hattie.
Well are We pleased with your service to Us!
Well are We pleased with your service to Our Barony!
Now your efforts are repaid!
Now Our generosity is made known!
Receive from Our hand
This Award of the Elephant’s Heart.
Let none countermand Our words.
Norse-style text adapted from an award text by an unknown author, used during the reign of Tiernan and Miranda of An Tir, AS XLV.
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