Award of the Elephants Heart

Awarded to Thomas Throckmorton (modernly known as Thom Dowds)

By the Barony of Cynnabar on 2015-10-25

Whereas it is a thing out of cōtrouersie, that a certaine man resiant and inhabiting within and neere vnto the Barony of Cynnabar, cōmonly called Thomas Throckmorton, doth graciously comport himself among the chiefe Defenders of the Barony and Kingdom, and also those of forreine Nations, it seemed good vnto Us, Ermenrich and Kasha, Baron and Baroness of Cynnabar, in respect of his good will, together with his singular affection and loue of the defense of the Barony and to all & singular, in this publike sort to make it manifest that for these cavses the aforesaid Thomas Throckmorton is granted Our Award of the Elephant's Heart. Which is done to no other end or purpose, but to make it euident that the same action doth stand & agree with equitie and iustice, and to be a thing most probable, that other Barons whosoeuer, their seruants and Officers in the like case, and vpon the like occasion, woulde not haue failed to take the like course. And as We have been appointed by the prescript of the ancient lawes of this Realme, let Our words not be gainsaid by malitious imprinted Libels, nor by painted tables and pictures.

Text adapted from A Declaration of the Cavses, which mooved the chiefe Commanders of the Nauie of her most excellent Maiestie the Queene of England, in their voyage and expedition for Portingal, to take and arrest in the mouth of the Riuer of Lisbone, certaine Shippes of corne and other prouisions of warre bound for the said Citie by an unnamed author (1589).

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