Award of the Elephants Heart

Awarded to Patrick Bentwood (also known as Possum) (modernly known as Pat Elliot)

By the Barony of Cynnabar on 2017-08-09

The Earth doth afford many excellent vegetables and living creatures, some that feedeth the body, others that cureth hurts and diseases.

Shrewdest among these beasts is the Opossum, which hath a head like a Swine, and a tail like a Rat, and is of the bigness of a Cat. Under her belly she hath a bag, wherein she lodgeth, carrieth, and sucketh her young. Crafty, quick of apprehension, and very ingenuous is this creature, yet We never perceive her destroy Our hens, eggs, nor chickens, nor do any hurt; nor is her bite pernicious.

Such a Gentlemen is Patrick Bentwood, who by clever means taught himself to become so perfect that his devotion and good disposition much exceed those of others. Thus are We pleased and very proud to bestow upon him Our Award of the Elephant’s Heart.

Let none countermand Our words.

Based on excerpts from A Map of Virginia by John Smith, written in 1608 (published 1612).

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